Headshot Drops
Today I had the time to actually do headshot drops at all the casting directors in the Valley who are currently casting pilots. Two friends added my headshots to their drops last week and this week I added to the list and took theirs.
I've often heard that actors have good results from drops, but prior to this year, I'd always had y time divided between my day job and my acting career. I've done both for 5 years now, but am really wanting to pump up my acting career and be a well-paid actor. I've been an actor all this time and generally booked one commercial per year, but now I want more. I want to work as an actor. Part of working as an actor is doing drops. Exposure is key and drops help.
If you'd like to accelerate your career, perhaps you should try dropping your headshots in casting directors bins. Certainly your chances improve through the exposure, plus there's the added benefit of knowing where the casting directors are located. When they call you in for an audition, you'll have already been there! This might add to your comfort level and give you a subtle edge or a level of comfort. Only you can know for sure, but I'm glad I dropped mine. Will you be dropping yours?
Labels: Headshots