Taking a Break and Coming Back Stronger
I took the promotion at my day job for which I am truly grateful. I love my new team, and for a day job in an office, I have a terrific set of responsibilities and get to work with lots of different people. Given that my new job started mid-July, I had tons to do to ramp up and was putting in some pretty long hours.
Since I was starting a new day job, I didn't sign up for classes or receive coaching from any of my current teachers. This may have been one of the best things I could have done for my career.
My day job is now fully ramped up and on its way, ever-changing but reasonably stable, and not requiring hours much beyond 40. It also allows me flexibility to continue pursuing my dream, too. :)
I feel refreshed and am excited about recent auditions. I'll comment on some of them in other posts.
Taking a break can be a very good thing, particularly if you're feeling down about your career or feeling burned out. You can come back fresher and stronger. You may even find that while you've been on hiatus, you've learned a few things and gained a new point of view. These can all be very helpful in moving you to the next level.
It's pilot season part II right now. Good luck!
Since I was starting a new day job, I didn't sign up for classes or receive coaching from any of my current teachers. This may have been one of the best things I could have done for my career.
My day job is now fully ramped up and on its way, ever-changing but reasonably stable, and not requiring hours much beyond 40. It also allows me flexibility to continue pursuing my dream, too. :)
I feel refreshed and am excited about recent auditions. I'll comment on some of them in other posts.
Taking a break can be a very good thing, particularly if you're feeling down about your career or feeling burned out. You can come back fresher and stronger. You may even find that while you've been on hiatus, you've learned a few things and gained a new point of view. These can all be very helpful in moving you to the next level.
It's pilot season part II right now. Good luck!
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