Sarah Jean Fry, An Actor's Journey

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Callbacks and Failing Forward

My agent called Monday morning @ 10:30am. So, I arrived at my scheduled callback for the Nyquil commercial late in the afternoon. A couple of the other actors were put off by the short notice. Personally, I was glad to be there.

According to John C. Maxwell's Failing Forward, you must take risks and if you fail, learn from your mistakes. I was happy to find that the client liked my work in the audition and called me back for an additional performance. I didn't book the job and I know this because, according to the postings about the job, it shot the day before yesterday (Friday June 8th). Nonetheless, I was very happy to be called in again.

This afternoon before writing this blog, I sent my bio for the program from the workshop performance of Donovan Scott's Improv class two weeks from tomorrow. Scottie's class has been great for me. I think we've had to work hard as a group, but as an individual, I feel I've grown from it and freed myself from some corporate tension that I've been carrying around with me in recent months. I'm convinced that I got the callback because I'm freer again as an actor. Thanks to my class, I'm feeling better about performing in general.

I definitely failed forward in this class. About 3 classes ago, I failed miserably, but learned greatly from it. It was the last scene of the night. I did not want to go up on stage, because I just knew I didn't understand the exercise. And because I so badly did not want get up there, I volunteered and sprinted to the stage. Lucky me that I was up there with on of the more enthusiastic of our performers, George Snarberg. He was patient as I flailed and then as Scottie tried to help me sort out my confusion. It was tough hearing the negatives, but the constructive criticism and even criticism without construction (lol!) helped me learn the most. The next week was equally as difficult for me. So, I sprinted to the stage as often as I could again, and by the end of that class, I was feeling more confident. The one thing for which I am grateful is that I am not afraid to completely die on stage now. But if I do die up there, I'll do it with gusto! No more safe playing from me. Risk-taking is so much more fun and often results in excellence or great fun in the failures.

Maxwell in Failing Forward says that mistakes pave the path of success. I have truly been paving my path through my improv class the last 8 weeks. Our performance night is June 24th and I am excited to be on stage again. Performances are at the NoHo Arts Center on June 24, 2007 at 6p & 8p.



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