Sarah Jean Fry, An Actor's Journey

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Action Creates Forward Movement

I got off the plane from a trip to Chicago @ 3pm on Wednesday May 31. I had enough time to take a shower then head off to take a personal training client then get to my Improv class. Class ended at 11p and I got to bed about 1p.

Then I headed to my office day job to arrive by 7a to leave in time to get to my actor's meeting that lasted until 8:30pm. The actor's meeting is a group of us that I initiated with two other actors last August to help us progress our careers. We hold each other accountable, share information, and brain storm ideas about how to progress in our careers. I started this because my tenacity for my career was flagging and I'd remembered something Robert Duvalll had said at one of the SAG foundation events. He said, "Do it with a group. Everyone goes up with a group." So, I started my own group with 2 other actors. Initially, we met once per week, but after about 6 months, we discovered that once a month worked better. So, now we all excitedly get together once a month and share our news.

This month I talked about John C. Maxwell's book "Failing Forward" that I'd picked up and read on my 4 day break to Chicago. I recommend it to everyone but particularly to actors. Basically, Maxwell talks about the fact that achievers and people who are successful have failed more than everyone else. It is from our failures that we learn and move forward. There is tons of information in the book that I cannot cover here, so I recommend you buy a copy, borrow a copy or even sit down in your neighborhood Borders Books and read a copy.

So, Thursday's commitments to groups and work ended at 8:45p and then I went home and finally got a couple of chores...including finally eating a meal sitting down instead of on the run to somewhere. LOL! Then I went to sleep. Oh right! I had a commercial audition for my lunch break. It was a national commercial for Nyquil. That's what was making me feel so lucky this week!

Friday, I worked my day job again and then my hairdresser made a much-needed house call. I'd been postponed for a couple of weeks due to her departure from her hair salon. So, I was incredibly grateful that she'd come by Friday evening after I got home from work. We had a great time. I'm hoping as my career rises, I can help her if she'd like for hers to rise with mine.

Friday night, I finally slept for about 9 hours. I woke up exhausted since I've been pulling very short nights for nearly 3 weeks. The reasons for these I'll save for another time. I was barely functioning the next morning, but sat down at my computer to attempt to return emails and catch up on communicating with people in my life! Low and behold, I noticed that there was a 4cd workshop today. So, I started prepping for that and went. It was quite wonderful. I didn't do a brilliant job, but I did an employable job and had stepped up to do it...partly due to the things I learned in Failing Forward. Failing in the workshop was a much better choice than not going. As it turned out, I met some new people and had a great time in the scene! After that I came home, had a light meal and passed out for about 4 hours...which brings me to now.

I woke up realizing that I've had a marvelous week working on my career and keeping jobs so that I can fund my career and my life while I work for and prepare for my career and that one really important role. I was exhausted. Even my horoscope said,"You're really tired, but you need to keep moving forward." LOL! And I'm so glad I did. Weeks like these are priceless and I'm planning to create more like them!

Get busy and take action for your career. It's exciting and can rejuvenate your flagging interest or energy or it can raise high energy higher and get you closer to that acting career and those goals.

I started another book this evening by John C. Maxwell called, "Talent is Never Enough." I recommend it as a follow up for "Failing Forward." May we all take risks and by doing so get closer to our goals! Learn from your failures so you can fly!


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