Sarah Jean Fry, An Actor's Journey

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Be prepared - the story might change

On the callback this evening (from yesterday's audition), the story boards changed. Instead of three CEOs around the cooler, we were just three co-workers gossiping about other co-workers, semi-nicely. We were told to be positive. The guy going in with me and the other woman said,"She has a tumor." LOL! And the casting assistant who was coaching us said,"That's too negative." So, we went with the start of "our co-worker dated Elvis Presley." LOL! We had a great time and it went very smoothly. It was so vastly different than the audition that the recognizable similarities were our suits (of which the guy had none-but he did have a tie and it was his first call) and the water cooler which was mentioned but non-existent in the original audition.

So, when you go in a callback be sure to be flexible and follow instructions, because callbacks are not always like the original audition. My agent said,"Go do the same thing again." Ordinarily, that might be good advice, but be sure and think it through and feel your way through the process for yourself. The story changed, and it was fun because we all just went with it! I love working with other professionals!

Additionally, I often here that copy can change as well. So, be prepared by keeping your skills sharp and remaining flexible. Flexibility is key for a working actor.


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