Gym time - remove the resistance of going and you're there!
Ok. So lots of us are trying to lose weight in January, especially actors. It’s pilot season! Tons of auditioning is going on and you need to look and stay trim in front of the camera, right!
So, why is it often so hard to get to the gym? I think we don’t go there, because we resist it.
So, how to do we get to the gym? I wondered the same thing and that’s how I decided to write this post. Ok, truth? I’ve been a personal trainer for a very long time, well over a decade. And in 2006, I had a hard time getting to the gym for myself. And I really wanted to be in my best shape, but I wasn’t. I could feel that I wasn’t at my best even if others couldn’t. And you can feel yours. If you’re not at your best, you know it. Period.
So removing resistance is much easier than forcing yourself to go to the gym. So, how do you do that? I do it by asking myself questions. Instead of telling myself I should or trying to convince myself to go, I remove my resistance. Now I say, “Ok, what will help me get to the gym? And what can do I to reward myself if I go? And what else can I do to support my effort?”
There are tons of answers. Here is a list that my clients, my friends and I created. We answered the question: What can help me get to the gym.
Go at the time of day you want to go even if it takes longer.
Go first thing in the morning so it’s done and then you can get on with your day.
Create a reward for myself before or after.
Get a protein smoothie that you enjoy before to help you through the workout.
Give yourself a treat afterwards.
Since my gym is right next to the movie theatre, I could time it to get in a work out and then go to see a movie right afterwards.
Someone else gives herself a paid massage after she goes to the gym 6 times (which is approximately every two weeks).
Buy some clothes that make you feel good working out – so many things are on sale right now.
Buy a new pair of sneakers
Buy the perfect shorts or tights that work for you
Buy t-shirts that make you feel good or make you look thin or buff or however you want to look.
Buy new socks. Seriously, someone made that suggestion. He likes to know his feet aren’t going to blister when he’s running on the treadmill.
Get a trainer or find a workout buddy (recognize these are just suggestions) – take a class at your gym if you can’t find a buddy. Some of these people are serious folks and the teachers are often very good these days.
Tell yourself you’ll take a shorter time at the gym. You don’t have to stay long. Just get in and get out.
Remind yourself and focus on how great you’re going to feel having worked out.
Remind yourself and focus on how great you’ll look having worked out regularly.
Once we get there, most of us are glad to be there. We don’t mind putting in the work. So, good luck. I tell my clients, the biggest part of your training is just showing up. So, decide you’re going to show up. Even if you’re not in show business, we all have to show up sometime! Let me know how it goes!
Sarah Jean
So, why is it often so hard to get to the gym? I think we don’t go there, because we resist it.
So, how to do we get to the gym? I wondered the same thing and that’s how I decided to write this post. Ok, truth? I’ve been a personal trainer for a very long time, well over a decade. And in 2006, I had a hard time getting to the gym for myself. And I really wanted to be in my best shape, but I wasn’t. I could feel that I wasn’t at my best even if others couldn’t. And you can feel yours. If you’re not at your best, you know it. Period.
So removing resistance is much easier than forcing yourself to go to the gym. So, how do you do that? I do it by asking myself questions. Instead of telling myself I should or trying to convince myself to go, I remove my resistance. Now I say, “Ok, what will help me get to the gym? And what can do I to reward myself if I go? And what else can I do to support my effort?”
There are tons of answers. Here is a list that my clients, my friends and I created. We answered the question: What can help me get to the gym.
Go at the time of day you want to go even if it takes longer.
Go first thing in the morning so it’s done and then you can get on with your day.
Create a reward for myself before or after.
Get a protein smoothie that you enjoy before to help you through the workout.
Give yourself a treat afterwards.
Since my gym is right next to the movie theatre, I could time it to get in a work out and then go to see a movie right afterwards.
Someone else gives herself a paid massage after she goes to the gym 6 times (which is approximately every two weeks).
Buy some clothes that make you feel good working out – so many things are on sale right now.
Buy a new pair of sneakers
Buy the perfect shorts or tights that work for you
Buy t-shirts that make you feel good or make you look thin or buff or however you want to look.
Buy new socks. Seriously, someone made that suggestion. He likes to know his feet aren’t going to blister when he’s running on the treadmill.
Get a trainer or find a workout buddy (recognize these are just suggestions) – take a class at your gym if you can’t find a buddy. Some of these people are serious folks and the teachers are often very good these days.
Tell yourself you’ll take a shorter time at the gym. You don’t have to stay long. Just get in and get out.
Remind yourself and focus on how great you’re going to feel having worked out.
Remind yourself and focus on how great you’ll look having worked out regularly.
Once we get there, most of us are glad to be there. We don’t mind putting in the work. So, good luck. I tell my clients, the biggest part of your training is just showing up. So, decide you’re going to show up. Even if you’re not in show business, we all have to show up sometime! Let me know how it goes!
Sarah Jean