Sarah Jean Fry, An Actor's Journey

Friday, March 02, 2007

Select the Wardrobe that is Right for You

This is advice that works for me and is something you may want to consider. After 15 years of auditioning and mostly booking commercially, I realized that wearing what's right for me is better than wearing something that is not.

What I mean is that we, as actors, often get caught up what to wear to auditions. The truth is there is no right answer for all of us. The other truth is the blanket statement is to get as close to what they're asking for as you can and then forget about it and focus on your audition.

A few years ago, I went was sent out for a Hardee's commercial and the request was to wear you Sunday dress. I laughed because it was summertime, so to me that meant shorts and t-shirt or a bathing suit. But then I asked my agent and she said,"Oh, they mean Sunday dresses. The kind people wear to church." I found that funny, and it tickled me because I didn't really have anything like that. I mostly wore mini-skirts and suits, but no dresses because dresses rarely fit me right. So, I decided I'd go in a black mini-skirt, blue sweater and black pumps. When I showed up, the assistant sort of looked at me funny and so did some of the actresses who were all in dresses. So, there I was in the wrong outfit. Funniest of all was that I booked the commercial. So, you just never know.

Last spring, I wore casual clothes that I really enjoyed and booked the Wells Fargo commercial that is still airing. But the same sweater I was wearing for it, I wore to an audition yesterday and the camera guy told me that he didn't recommend that I ever wear that sweater again. It's red and it vibrates. He showed me how I looked on camera. It makes me look quite a bit heavier than I actually am in real life. Good grief. I told him I wore it often to auditions, but now that I've actually seen how it looks on camera, I know he's right. So, might I have booked if I had worn other sweaters to those auditions? Who knows. I'm not interested in going backwards, but I will find more appropriate clothing going forward.

And I've worn exactly as they've asked and been cast and not cast. So, it's all guesswork. But I do know one thing, if you're not comfortable then you are much less likely to get cast. So wear what's right for you, get as close to the wardrobe suggested and put it on. Then forget it. They can always change your clothes, but they're not likely to give you a second chance.

And wear the most comfortable clothes that make you feel great, because you'll perform your best if you do.

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