Sarah Jean Fry, An Actor's Journey

Friday, May 04, 2007

A Cup of Coffee & Forest Whitaker

If you’ve read some of my blogs earlier this year, then you know I’ve given up caffeine and that it had been quite a struggle for me. I’ve basically kicked the habit, but now, every once in a while I go get a cup of java at my favorite Starbucks. It’s my favorite because it’s close to work and home and I know all the staff there.

This week has been particularly long. So, a friend and I made our way to Starbucks earlier this morning. As we’re standing in line, I’m reacquainting myself with some of the staff and enjoying their conversation. My friend looks at me and says, “I’m going to go talk to Forest Whitaker. I’ll be back.” I said, “What?!” and looked where she was looking. Nearly in disbelief, I said, “Will you wait for me? I’d like to go, too.” So we ordered our drinks and in the meantime someone else had come up to him to talk about last night’s fight on television.

My friend interrupted the conversation and told Forest that she loved his work and then pulled the other guy’s attention so I could talk to Forest. My friend is very giving in that way. Any way, I spoke with Forest and said I was an actor for 10 years. I don’t know why since it has been longer, but any way, I asked if it had been a good year and if he’d been offered jobs due to his recent success. He spoke a bit saying he was just writing an email talking about his next job. He spoke a bit more and then I asked if I could shake his hand. Tears welled up in my eyes and I still have no thoughts about why that is. I’ve met other stars, but none have caused this reaction in me. He feels so humble and so kind. I told him that I was really, really happy for him and then I excused myself. I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable and needed to get back to my day job any way.

You just don’t know how people may affect you and you don’t know how you’ll affect other people either. I feel very fortunate that my friend needed a cup of coffee today. Occasionally, I get a cup of coffee now, but I’m still basically off caffeine. Usually if I get a coffee it’s decaf, too. Today, I’m glad for that cup of coffee because I got to meet Forest Whitaker. It’s one of those brief meetings I’ll never forget.

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